Is compostable serviceware actually safe for people and planet? Part 1: A focus on fibre Hannah LiamJune 26, 2021
The Climate Change Commission's Draft Advice - how to have your say and how it’s relevant to throwaway serviceware Hannah LiamFebruary 22, 2021
Unofficial Summary of Govt Consultation Doc on Banning some Hard-to-Recycle and Single-Use Plastics Hannah LiamSeptember 15, 2020
COVID-19 Position Statement: Far from signalling the end of reusables, the COVID-19 outbreak has underscored the importance of reuse systems and reuse infrastructure Hannah LiamApril 4, 2020
Media Release: We can navigate COVID-19 without resorting to disposable coffee cups, but we should build more resilient reuse systems too Hannah LiamMarch 16, 2020